2017, UV prints on transparent plexiglass, various dimensions and sizes
Places divide life into sections. Smaller chunks of life; parallel universes suspended in their own private dimensions, with borders and inscribed rules of conduct, with time suspended in them, like in small pools of water. You can take a dip and change your style, duties and personality, but only for a while, as none of them are permanent or stable. You belong everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
Between places: a permanent transit zone. Sometimes the transit takes as much time as being in a place, sometimes longer. The images outside a car window fly by in an incessant succession of sameness. Sometimes they are quite beautiful - especially when they blur; softening the borders of reality with the speed of a moving car and the detachment its protective walls of steel and glass offer.
I Can’t Remember Where I’ve Been relates to the state of suspension in the zone of being in-between, reflecting on the experience of travel and being on the road, and its contemplative and immersive character, not necessarily related to any particular place.
When spending more time on the road, the pre-established borders between geography, images, literature and dream begin to blur. Places and spaces dissolve and merge with each other, becoming a part of our being, shaping our perception of the surrounding world.
The so-called objective geographical space is no longer relevant. We begin journeying in the area of subjective geography which creates certain feelings, states and memories, and the movement that we then become contains also the movement of our thoughts.
The fleeting images encountered when travelling between places are fixed onto car-window sized transparent plexi-glass cut outs. They become physical objects with memory: visual mementoes of the places seen and felt, inscribed within them.